


Welcome to Owings Mills High School - home of the golden eagles.  At Owings Mills we proudly celebrate excellence through diversity and strive to provide a customized learning environment to each student.


Build a culture that fosters acceptance, integrity, and perseverance; provides challenging academic expectations and empowers seekers of new knowledge.


In cooperation with all partners, Owings Mills High School will deliver excellence in teaching and learning that develops self-advocating, culturally adept, life-long learners who are prepared for an ever-changing global landscape.


Freshman Academy Summer Transition Program - Register Here  (Outline & Shadowsocks Windows和安卓客户端下载:2021-12-31 · Shadowsocks 安卓手机 客户端下载:下载地址 提取码:t7b5 备用下载地址 提取码:o233 简介 说明 Windows电脑端及安卓手机客户端在此下载; Mac及iPhone客户端,在App Store中搜索outline下载安装即可 ...

2020-2021 Course Registration Information

OM Clubs and Organizations

A/B Day Calendar 2019-20

Bell Schedule 2019-2020

Vaccine Information Summer/Fall 2019

Teacher Coach Class Schedule 2019-2020

P-Tech Applications for 2020-2021 Academic Year

View the Device Orientation Presentation