

Short video statements on COVID-19

Symptom palliation in COVID-19
Anita Simonds (London, United Kingdom)
【网络述年】让“国潮春节”唱响金鼠送福年-广西新闻网:2021-1-3 · 信息网络传播视听节目许可证:2021302 互联网新闻信息服务许可证-4512021001 桂公网安备 45010302021154号 互联网出版许可证(桂)字003号 ICP证 桂B2-20210022-10
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Lung function testing in the COVID era: safety concerns you should consider
Frans de Jongh (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
COVID-19 video statement: Monday, 09 June 2020
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How to manage patients with mild disease in the primary care?
Hilary Pinnock (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
COVID-19 video statement: Monday, 08 June 2020
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images.mofcom.gov.cn:2021-12-29 · The report states that “During the review period, a third round of quantitative easing (QE3) took place, in September 2021, in the context of high, although dropping, unemployment.In December 2021, the Fed announced that it would start scaling down its

Models and tools for COVID-19 research
Darcy Wagner (Lund, Sweden), Stefan Pöhlmann (Göttingen, Germany), Josef Penninger (Vancouver, Canada)
Thursday, 16 July 2020
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sub真正免费的加速器直击MWC:“5G+折叠屏”燃爆 中兴通讯站到“C位”-国际在线:2021-2-26 · 当地时间2月25日,世界移动通信大会(MWC)在西班牙巴塞罗那开幕。当日早间,记者抵达展馆,直击主要手机厂商新品发布会以及5G部署情况。华为、中兴、三星等手机厂商在会上展示了最新款的5G及折叠屏手机,此外,记者注意到,MWC期间
Sophia Schiza (Heraklion, Greece), Maria Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy), Andrea Aliverti (Milan, Italy); Winfried Randerath (Solingen, Germany), Anita Simonds (London, United Kingdom), Francesco Fanfulla (Pavia, Italy)
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COVID-19 and the management of Interstitial Lung Diseases patients: challenges and recommendations
Venerino Poletti (Forli, Italy), Katerina Antoniou (Heraklion, Greece), Elizabeth Renzoni (London, United Kingdom), Sara Tomassetti (Forli, Italy), Athol Wells (London, United Kingdom), Sergio Harari (Milan, Italy), Giorgina Dalpiaz (Bologna, Italy), Bruno Crestani (Paris, France)
Thursday, 4 June 2020
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Madrid 2019ERS International Congress 2019

View the presentations you missed during Congress!

More than 1,000 webcasts and slide presentations, 1,900 e-posters and 4,200 abstracts from the International Congress in Madrid and are now available.

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SpirXpertSpirXpert -  free access

This open-access website aims at promoting the understanding of respiratory physiology and pathophysiology, with emphasis on the measurement and interpretation of spirometric test results.
SpirXpert was created and managed for many years by Professor Philip H Quanjer. ERS has now taken over hosting the site and will continue to maintain it as a free and open-access resource for future generations.


Image ChallengeRadiology Image Challenge

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Post your answers, complete the test and earn CME credits.


Multi-ethnic all-age spirometry reference equations: Recent developments

GLI logoThe ERS Task Force “Global Lung Function Initiative”, which addresses reference values for spirometry and transfer factor for CO, is now being hosted by the ERS. 
Following completion of a highly successful ERS Task Force, it is now 3 years since the Global Lung Function Initiative published their new all-age  spirometry equations  based on data from 74,187 healthy non-smokers aged 3-95 years (Quanjer et al ERJ 2012). Statistical models generated adjustments for age, sex and height and are applicable to four broad ethnic groups namely Caucasian, African, South East Asian, and North East Asian as well as those of mixed ethnic origins. The new equations aim to correct biases in previous sets that may have been based on antiquated evidence, a limited age range or which failed to adequately account for ethnic differences.