
Professor of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

portrait by Kay Erickson (2018)

I'm a computational geometer/topologist/graphophile with more general interests in algorithms, data structures, and lower bounds. I teach mostly large algorithms classes; you might find my free textbook and other course materials useful. From 2013 to 2016, I was an associate department head and chair of the faculty recruiting committee. I am a SafeTOC advocate.

I have the lowest undergraduate GPA (2.4/4.0) of any professor I've ever met, although some of my colleagues came close, and a few others never finished college at all. (I really shouldn't be proud of that.) Only three other professors have been in my department longer than I have. (I really shouldn't be proud of that, either.)

Praxis tendatum docebit. [Practice will teach those who try.]
— Carl Friedrich Gauß, describing the fast Fourier transform (c. 1805)

Man muß jederzeit an Stelle von „Punkte, Geraden, Ebenen“ „Tische, Stühle, Bierseidel“ sagen können. [One must always be able to say “tables, chairs, beer mugs” in place of “points, lines, planes”.]
为何国内没有做成类似instagram这类主打图片社交形态的产品 ...:2021-12-14 · 越来越多年轻人开始倾向于自我表达、趣味社交,他们对高品质生活的追求、对时尚和美的诉求越来越强烈,在这些需求的驱动下,国内会出现下一款类似ins的标榜为“即时分享美好生活瞬间”的产品吗? 核心观点: 以图片为核心作为用户表达动态、记录生活的图片社交产品在国内存在

I believe in the third dimension, but not the other two.
James "Kibo" Parry

As we all know, the easiest way to be at the top of your field is to choose a very small field.
Simone Giertz, "Why you should make useless things" (2018)