
To screen and nominate judicial applicants; evaluate the performance of judges and make evaluation information and recommendations available to the voters; and conduct studies and make recommendations to improve the administration of justice.


In light of the World Health Organization’s declaration of a COVID-19 global pandemic, and Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’s Emergency Order EO-03 requiring Anchorage residents to stay at home as much as possible, the Alaska Judicial Council’s physical office will be closed or minimally staffed until further notice.

To reach Council staff, please call 279-2526 and leave a message if a live person is not available to answer. Staff working remotely will try to respond to voicemails within 24 hours during business days. The Council will continue to accept and respond to email communications at postmaster@ajc.state.ak.us.

We appreciate your patience as we take measures to safeguard the health and safety of the public and staff.







Alaska Judicial Council, 510 L Street, Suite 450, Anchorage, AK 99501

State of Alaska | Contact us | FAX (907) 276-5046 | Phone (907) 279-2526


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