Consumers have lots of choices when it comes to protein. It’s our
mission to remind them why they love meat. We offer strategic
marketing and consumer research services to help the meat
industry sell more fresh meat.

Midan’s 3 Steps to Increase Meat Sales

Start a Conversation

To get you results, we start by talking about what you want to accomplish.

Make a Plan

We create your customized proposal — at no charge.


Get Results

The plan goes into action. Problems get solved, more meat gets sold.

Figuring out how to market your meat products is hard these days.
It’s why we make the following promise to everyone who starts the conversation.

We will meet with you, listen to you and work with you to clearly define your challenges. In the rare case our services aren’t the right fit to help you, we will tell you. If we’re confident we can help you, we’ll develop proposed solutions within your budget and outline methods to measure the success of the proposed solutions.

And we will do all of the above with absolutely no strings attached. There is no commitment to work with us until you’ve signed an agreed upon proposal.





Our strategic work is designed to accurately identify your challenges and map out a clearly-defined plan to help you overcome them and achieve your goals.


Customer Insights

We research and analyze customer and consumer behavior to ensure you effectively stand out to the right crowd, in the right place at the right time.


The work our creative team develops for you is crafted with one mission in mind: deliver the impactful words and eye-catching designs that boost your business.

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