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From diet and exercise to treatment and care, there are tons of practical things you can do every day to make your life easier. Here are just a few.


prediabetes home page

Take action against prediabetes

Small changes in your diet and exercise can make a big difference with prediabetes. Assess your risk and change your course today.

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宕昌好梯乡:三支突击队助推脱贫攻坚_来稿选登_中国甘肃网:2021-6-12 · 为全面打赢脱贫攻坚战,好梯乡抽调精兵强将组成“拆危治乱突击队”“房屋改造突击队”“档案资料突击队”,由乡党政主要领导担任队长,驻村领导担任副队长,驻村干部、帮扶工作队、村社干部担任队员,锁定工作目标、聚焦突出问题,狠下一条心、拧成一股绳,积极投身脱贫攻坚主战场 ...
Eat to thrive

Eat to thrive

Living with diabetes doesn’t mean you’re done eating foods you love. Start planning your meals and making healthy food choices and you can live the life you want.