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    International Week at Western is held annually in November as a campus-wide celebration of all things international. The purpose of the week is to:

    International Week is open to the campus community, alumni, and the wider London community. Attend as many activities as you wish - there is something for everyone!

    Mark your calendars for International Week 2020, November 16-21! More details to come soon.



    • Academic workshops and panels
    • Western Goes Global Cultural Showcase
    • Go Abroad Fair
    • Africa-Western Collaborations Day
    • Food, film, music and cultural celebrations
    ...and much more!


    events calendar on tablet with dates circled
    Our 2020 International Week will take place November 16-21. As usual, the week will be packed full of exciting programming! Please check back regularly for schedule updates.


    Passport cover and inside stamps 

    With a festival atmosphere, the week will feature cultural experiences, panel discussions, presentations, workshops, displays, tours and other activities designed to inspire students, faculty, and staff to build their cross-cultural skills and become more globally aware. Don't miss our passport contest!


    Western International operates under the direction of the Vice-Provost (International).

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    We are dedicated to:


    For more information on international week contact: 519-661-2111 ext. 81350 or email intlweek@uwo.ca.

    Meet the team planning International Week
    If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, let us know.

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