Central East Sub Regions Map

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Sub-regions provide a geographic foundation to better understand and address patient needs.

To view a more detailed map click 旋风加速器.apk.

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    fast://sitecore/content/Sites/ce/Home/newsandevents/Calendars/Calendar//*[@#Start Date# > '20200803T000000' OR @#End Date# > '20200803T000000' OR (@#Start Date# = '20200803T000000' AND @#End Time# >= '20:01')]3|0

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    Coronavirus Disease COVID-19 Updates and Information

    Sub-regions icon

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    Centralized PPE information-hub for health care providers in Ontario Health East.


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    Gold Standard Wound Care pathways now available


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    Workshops for patients, caregivers and providers


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    Find health care services near you


    French Language Health Services

    Health Care in French

    Musculoskeletal Care

    Hip or knee osteoarthritis and low back pain care.

    Central East Sub-Region

    Central East Sub-Regions

    Local level planning

    MHA HP tag English


    Services and projects